pranic breathing

Dealing with the STRESS Pandemic

We all have “those” kinds of days. Days where nothing seems to go your way, and your stress level just inches higher and higher. The underlying pandemic existing in the world today is the stress pandemic. Do a quick google search and you can see the multitude of damaging effects that stress has on our bodies.

Client Experience of Distance CranioSacral Therapy

When speaking to someone who is interested in Distance CranioSacral Therapy, but has not yet experienced this modality, a question that I often hear is: “What is it like?”. This is not an easy question to answer as everyone has a slightly different experience. Some individuals feel calming of the system, others feel pulsing or heat. Often there are subtle shifts in the body as it moves into an improved alignment. Although the shifts are subtle, they have a great impact on the person’s inner balance and overall health.

I would like to share with you one of my client’s experience of Distance CranioSacral Therapy sessions here so you get a better idea of what I am talking about: