Thanks Forgiving

Gratitude can be a powerful healer but it can be taken a step further. We can feel thankful for our blessings while deep down still harboring animosity, resentment, and even hate against those who have wronged us in the past. The negative energy and emotions associated with this will continue to congest your energetic system and eventually manifest itself as a chronic ailment.

Time for Self-Care

So often we defer our own care and maintenance, putting others first. If we are parents, business owners, caregivers, and spouses, our family members and team members always take precedence. We consider this to be the generous and helpful thing to do and ultimately what is best for their well-being. But if the cost of doing so is to weaken ourselves, we do the people we care about a disservice by weakening our level of care in the process. We cannot serve others to our highest potential if we are diminished.

Tips for an Energetically Cleaner Diet

The words “dieting” or “eating better” or “healthy meals” are loaded terms in our minds. The concept is confused by new trends, fads, and dubious research. Calories, nutrients, hormones, pesticides, free range, organic, gmo, processed, gluten free--there is a vocabulary of terms we are taught to weigh and consider every time we sit down to a meal. However, if you view healthy eating through the lens of energy, the main thing to consider for eating healthy, is simply eating prana (energy) rich foods.

Therapy Vacation

I challenge you this year to seek a new approach to peace and wellness. Instead of vacating your life, why not improve them for the long haul. A “therapy vacation” aimed at alleviating the chronic problems you’ve carried with you will go much further in improving your health than any trip or retreat.

My Winding Journey to CranioSacral Therapy and Pranic Healing

I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Canvas Rebel, a publication that highlights small entrepreneurs, creatives, and artists doing business in innovative ways. I was thrilled by the chance to discuss my practice and what I love about CranioSacral Therapy and Pranic Healing. Reflecting on my story made me realize how much my journey has winded, spurred on during the early stages of my career working in speech therapy when I grew frustrated with big medical systems but got excited when I experienced CranioSacral Therapy myself. An excerpt from the article telling my transformation as a therapist and healer is included below.

Picky Eating- Sensory Concerns

Welcome back to our “picky eating” and possible underlying reasons behind it series. We have already discussed the importance of tongue mobility for eating and swallowing, as well as the importance of muscle strength. Today our focus will be on sensory concerns with feeding. While sensory processing can encompass multiple areas of concern, for the purpose of this post we will be focusing on sensory concerns specifically tied to eating.

What You Don’t Know About “Picky Eating”- Tongue Tie

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “picky eater”? Refusal to eat certain foods? A behavioral issue? While picky eating can be due to behaviors, this is not what this post will be diving into - it’s the other potential causes for picky eating that I find in my practice are often undiscovered. This post series is an overview of 3 of the most frequent reasons that I find in my practice for kiddos consuming a limited variety of foods.

What is a Tongue-Tie??

Being “tongue-tied” is not just a saying. It is a medical condition formally known as Ankyloglossia.

So what does it mean to be tongue-tied? We all have a thin piece of tissue under our tongue (called a lingual frenulum) that anchors it to the floor of the mouth but which also allows our tongue to move with enough freedom for us to eat and speak. When a person has a tongue-tie, this tissue is either too short or too tight to allow for the full movement necessary to perform these essential functions of the tongue.

Pranic Space Clearing

A New Year brings new opportunities and a chance to reflect and dream. As we aspire toward healthier and more productive lives, we make resolutions to improve ourselves. We resolve to eat better, exercise more, become organized, etc. Our realization of these goals is hampered by the negative energy of our environment. We absorb this energy, and it can take a toll on our mood, wellbeing, and even long-term physical, mental, and emotional health. If we look to improve ourselves in the new year, we should begin by improving the energy of our environment.