The Energetically Best Vacation

It is now June and most of us are dreaming of the perfect summer vacation. Who doesn’t love the beach? It offers a place to relax, play, and explore. It is both aesthetically gorgeous, with sunsets and reflections, and emotionally poignant, as the place that holds charmed memories with loved ones. For these reasons, many people consider it their  “happy place”. What you may not have considered, is that there are a host of energetic reasons why this may be true as well. 


From an energetic perspective, the beach is magical. 


The coastal salt air and salt water, while corrosive on metals and buildings, are wonderful cleaners. Salt dissolves used, dirty energy and water absorbs it. This is why salt baths are so highly recommended. Whenever you swim, surf, or play in the waves, you are in essence taking a salt water bath in the largest of nature’s bathtubs. Your energetic system is being cleansed while you have fun and the dirty energy is being swept away with the tide. 


Once clean, you are ready to absorb fresh prana (energy). The three direct sources of prana are the sun, the air, and the ground and the beach puts you in direct contact with all three. (If you want to know more about prana and how we naturally absorb it, click here to read my blog on this topic.) With nothing but water on the horizon, sunlight is unimpeded by trees, buildings, or the terrain. The sea breezes provide refreshing, circulated air. The sand offers a comforting surface for walking barefoot, an activity most of us do only at the beach, putting us in direct contact with ground prana. 


The result of a salt water cleaned system and an immersion in air, ground, and solar prana is an energetic recharge that is hard to recreate anywhere. When you are traveling this summer, if your vacation takes you near the beach, try to be cognizant of the unique opportunity for healing it offers and take full advantage.