Client Experience of Distance CranioSacral Therapy

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When speaking to someone who is interested in Distance CranioSacral Therapy, but has not yet experienced this modality, a question that I often hear is: “What is it like?”. This is not an easy question to answer as everyone has a slightly different experience. Some individuals feel calming of the system, others feel pulsing or heat. Often there are subtle shifts in the body as it moves into an improved alignment. Although the shifts are subtle, they have a great impact on the person’s inner balance and overall health. 

I would like to share with you one of my client’s experience of Distance CranioSacral Therapy sessions here so you get a better idea of what I am talking about: 

“I've experienced several treatments in person and distance Craniosacral and it is simultaneously a totally different experience and also very similar.  As the practitioner goes through the poses while you are in person you usually will feel things in your body shift as they are working with the connective facia that innervates your entire being and the spine.  I don't know all the inner workings of this healing modality but I’ve experienced its benefits.  When in person, I would feel things shift where the practitioner’s hands were and sometimes other places. 

With distance sessions I find this to be a more intense experience because I am tuning into my body as the session is being done.  Noticing when things shift and being able to communicate that and find that the same area was being worked on or that the practitioner had felt the release on their end too.  I find that the distance healings are more profound for me because it allows me to focus and tune into the healing that is occurring in my body.  When I do in person sessions I find I tend to tune out for a while and just receive the benefits, slipping into a blissed out relaxed state, which is fine too.  

And the beautiful thing is that even if you still want to tune out and just receive the healing during a distance session you can do that as well but I feel it enhances your awareness of your being regardless.”   


If this is something that is speaking to you, the best way to experience it is arranging a session for yourself. Let me know if I can help you with physical and emotional healing or stress reduction to allow you to live your life to the fullest!