Supporting, Not Forcing, Healing

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I have been asked many times, “Why do you do CranioSacral Therapy and Pranic Healing? They are so different.”

What has led me to study and practice both of these therapy modalities? 

What is the similarity between CranioSacral Therapy and Pranic Healing? 

The greatest commonality is that both modalities, when done correctly, are not forceful. At the core, both are focused on SUPPORTING the body to heal in the way THAT IT NEEDS, instead of having a preconceived notion or plan in place to force the outcome that we think is the best. 

An example which I use when talking to clients is: if you have shoulder pain, working on your shoulder is not always the way to relieve the pain. Often times the shoulder pain is not the result of an issue in the shoulder itself, but from somewhere else.  For instance, it could be from misalignment of the hips and the body's subsequent compensation. So, after getting therapy week after week focusing on the shoulder, one of two things happens: you either get temporary relief with the pain returning after a short period of time (because, of course, you haven’t actually addressed the underlying problem, just the symptom); OR, you suddenly have a new pain resulting from realigning the symptom rather than the cause. 

This is just one example. However, the concept of treating symptoms, rather than the underlying cause, is rampant through our current medical system. This concept is not just applicable to physical healing but to mental healing and psychological healing as well. 

Being open and following the body in a way to support its healing, rather than simply symptom relief, is how you get LASTING and PROFOUND change. 

Are you ready to support healing of the root cause of your pain or suffering? Are you ready for LASTING and PROFOUND change? AZ Pranic Healing can support you on this journey. Call (336) 457-2059 or email to get started.