Being Present

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Being Present – so “simple,” and yet such a challenge at the same time. Over the last year of being unable to freely travel, being present in the moment is the thing that I have missed the most about being on vacations. While I enjoy seeing and experiencing new places, people, and foods, what has hit home is the simplicity of being present for even the mundane/everyday things, such as drinking a cup of coffee, that is wonderful when I am away from my normal environment. I find that it is so easy to get into a routine at home where my day is mapped out and things flow along and, before I know it, it’s time for dinner and I’m wondering where the day has gone. I find that, when I am out of my typical environment, it is somehow easier to be present in the moment because even doing a daily activity, such as eating breakfast, is something I am present for because it is not routine.

In July, I had the opportunity to take a trip to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, and this renewed presence in the moment really hit home for me. It was lovely to be able to take a trip (and something that I have sorely missed over the last year). The first morning of my trip, I sat outside and enjoyed my cup of coffee in a shady spot. While I drink coffee every morning (and thoroughly enjoy this), taking the 15 minutes to enjoy the warm cup in my hand and the fact that it was cool enough outside in July to enjoy the fresh air elevated the act of drinking a cup of coffee to a pleasure.

Of course, being in a new place also allowed for new experiences such as visiting the Cowgirl Museum where I learned about the tough women of days gone by like Annie Oakley. I also enjoyed some time at the Texas Civil War Museum where I learned more of the local history and enjoyed seeing the collection of Victorian era dresses.

My goal for this month is to focus on taking this presence with me throughout my day and experiencing the enjoyment and pleasure in the simple things of life. More importantly, I plan to make TIME to experience the pleasure in the simple things. 

May you also be fully present in your life this August.  Hopefully, we will enjoy this so much that we will continue to practice being present in the moments of our life on a daily basis!

With love, 


Would you like to enhance your sense of being present?

Pranic breathing practice can help connect you to yourself and ground deeper. I have created a free Pranic Breathing guide to serve you as a tool to finding your peace in the practice of presence.